Our Rising Stars

(Proudly cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama)

In case you haven’t noticed, we have something new up at C4O. We wanted to start this because all of you gave us so many good suggestions, but we couldn’t fit them all onto one page. That’s why we’re doing something that will hopefully enable us to give the Rethuglicans a real run for their money.

Want to see what I’m talking about?

This is our brand new C4O Rising Stars project! As you all already know, 2008 is a horrible year to be a CReep. Bush & Cheney are at historic lows of approval. John McBush thinks he can win by being just like Bush. And now, all these House & Senate GOP candidates are trying to “break ties” to the top of the ticket while still accepting whatever help they can get from them. This is why I think it’s time for us to take additional action.

We have many great Rising Star Democrats who may now be seen as “hopeless”, but we know this is just plain wrong. These candidates already have the GOP running scared, and they’re already making a whole lot of progress in turning red seats blue. Let’s help these rising stars make it all the way to DC!

We’ve listened to your suggestions, and with your help we’ve picked some great Democrats from all over the country. We have House candidates and Senate candidates. We have candidates from coast to coast, from the Wild West to the Deep South to the Great Midwest. What these candidates have in common is their success so far in making the Republicans run scared and their ability to win these supposedly “difficult races”.

So please if you can, donate to help us in this cause. These are true progressive heroes who are taking the good fight onto GOP turf. And with our help, these good Democrats can win! 🙂